A middle aged man with history of skin rash, followed by persistent pain
What is the diagnosis? Stay Tuned for the answer
Healed Herpes Zoster (Shingles) with postinflammatory pigmentation and Post herpetic neuralgia.
April 28, 2011 - Picture Quiz of the week
A 93 years old woman with history of Congestive heart Failure, presented with one day history of pain in her right hand. What is the diagnosis? What treatment would you advise? Stay tuned for the answers.
Acute Tophaceous Gout The dorsum of second distal Interphalanyngeal joint shows presence of a gouty Tophus Surrounding redness is common and can be confused with cellulitis. Systemic steroids (Prednisone 40 mg daily ) resulted in dramatic improvement. Allopurinol should not be started acutely
May 7 Picture Quiz of the week
A middle aged woman with recurrent black stools and anemia. What is the diagnosis?
Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome) Autosomal Dominant Disorder Epistaxis, gastrointestinal bleeding, and iron deficiency anemia, along with characteristic mucocutaneous telangiectasia are diagnostic. Arteriovenous malformations (angiodysplasias) commonly occur in the pulmonary, hepatic, and cerebral circulations